Let's co-create together 

That "pinch me, I'm dreaming" life is waiting for you

Choose your path:

  • Book a session, below, or send an email here
  • Join the hybrid self-paced and monthly live membership here
  • Application for mini-mind, rolling - here
  • Sign up for the email newsletter to be the first to hear about offerings and early bird here


 The power of alchemy

For the conscious hustler - you love taking action when it's aligned, fun, you're lit up by it, and it's on your terms.

Every CEO needs an energy alchemist behind the scenes. You’ve done all the workshops, plowed through courses, read all the books, gotten the mentors. Set up all the systems, and yet you’re still hitting a glass ceiling when it comes to your next level of ultimate abundance.

It's because there are other elements at play that can't be accessed on this realm.

With a spacious container, investing in yourself is an upgrade to bring you closer to your highest self and potential.

You’ll fill out a short application, and if we are a match, we’ll co-create into your next level.

Accelerate your trajectory and jump onto a different timeline.

For when therapy and coaching aren’t “enough” - you're too busy for hand-holding and processing; you want rapid and dramatic healing and transformation to be lit up by life again.

For those who know their next level is right around the corner and are looking to take the empowered route.

For codes to activate abundance, open the floodgates of creativity, and reconnect with your own resources.

For a VIP pass to destinations that may be unexpected and even better than imagined.

For changes to your energetic makeup that are permanent... you only have to do it once.

Waitlist available for the mastermind, designed for those looking to break through ceilings and walls for "is this real life!?" reality.

You get the best of 30+ healing & transforming modalities including some that no one else is doing... believe me. And, some tried and true, including (there's much more, inside):

Rapid Resolution Therapy

A groundbreaking treatment modality created by Dr. Jon Connelly that instantly and painlessly removes stucknesses and turmoil to clear the path forward within a simple conversation. 

Energetic Tether Removal

Transmute intolerances to food, places, people, and internal stagnation, and remove energetic ceilings to give you more choices and freedom in life. Uncover and clear trauma, limiting beliefs, or misplaced loyalty that has been keeping you from optimal health and patterns, and dissolve blockages in real time.

Shamanic energetic clearing & connecting

Instantly remove obstacles and realign to your Self, connecting with guides and your own inner resources. Let go of everything that you are ready to release, and clear the path to welcome in more ease, joy, and connection into your life.

Shift limiting beliefs

Change your beliefs and energetic ceilings of what is possible and watch how your life changes as sabotage is no longer part of the picture, those ideas that seemed impossible are now part of everyday life and your "new normal," and you step into your expansive power. The shifts done here are permanent.

Moving up the spiral

Getting to neutral, then from good to great, then from great to unstoppable.

Exclusive RRT Meeting

Bring curiosity, openness to explore, and a single topic to address to experience the shifts of Rapid Resolution Therapy. "Spot treatment," problem solving for a trauma, stuckness, grief, or something that's been in the way of your goals. Intro & small packages available.

Learn More about RRT &
schedule your transformation
*Currently scheduling 1-2 weeks out

Energy Alchemy Activation Session

A full high frequency immersion into shifts that are both instant and seeds planted that deepens the change over weeks, months, and even up to a year.

Book a session here
*Currently scheduling 1-2 weeks out

High-level 6-12 month 1:1
Alchemized Energy Immersion and Catalyst Immersion depending on availability.

Breakthrough Mastermind: Expand

See what is suddenly possible when you have an Energy Recalibration Alchemist in your corner, activating rapid shifts and evolution. A 6-month next-level journey for those who are excited to expand & elevate into a new trajectory.

Apply Here


“Without trying to be over dramatic - she has changed my life. River has helped me see patterns and change my limited perspectives and enabled me to recognize deep-seated conditioning that has been blocking me in life. She then gave me the tools to release those blocks. She’s gentle and has empathy that helped me move a lot of stuck emotions in a judgement-free zone, she has a deep understanding of how people work best. Whether you have just a few things to work on - or some major “stuff” to clear - you have come to the right place.”

-Becky, entrepreneur

“I did not think twice about paying River to do the work (and money was tight). This is primarily because of her fierce integrity & under-promise, but over-produce approach. She does this work for the right reasons, will not make promises she can’t follow through on and I can trust when she suggests I utilize one of her services, that it WILL work. I do not have this level of confidence in any other healing or therapeutic provider with whom I have worked (and there have been many). I solidly believe that any therapist would be better at their job were they to take even one page out of River’s book. I strongly advise anyone considering working with River to follow through with it. She has changed my life and I can promise that you won’t regret it.”

-Sarah, social worker

Ready to change your life?

For corporate, collaboration, or other specialized events, send me an email to connect & co-create

 "I found River’s combination of healing techniques to be freeing and liberating for the mind in a really gentle and supported way."

-Lauren, licensed massage therapist and medium

“I felt so seen, loved, and gently carried throughout the entire process. After our session, I felt so much clarity around action steps to achieve what I desire ... I LOVED the energy work that we did. 

- Amanda, Coach

Never stop learning.

Connect online.