What people are experiencing

Testimonials from alchemists 

Faith Ashenden @thathealingfeeling 

“Without trying to be overdramatic - she has changed my life. River has helped me see patterns and change my limited perspectives and enabled me to recognize deep-seated conditioning that has been blocking me in life. She then gave me the tools to release those blocks. She’s gentle and has empathy that helped me move a lot of stuck emotions in a judgement-free zone, she has a deep understanding of how people work best. Whether you have just a few things to work on - or some major “stuff” to clear - you have come to the right place.”

-Becky, entrepreneur

“I did not think twice about paying River to do the work (and money was tight). This is primarily because of her fierce integrity & under-promise, but over-produce approach. She does this work for the right reasons, will not make promises she can’t follow through on and I can trust when she suggests I utilize one of her services, that it WILL work. I do not have this level of confidence in any other healing or therapeutic provider with whom I have worked (and there have been many). I solidly believe that any therapist would be better at their job were they to take even one page out of River’s book. I strongly advise anyone considering working with River to follow through with it. She has changed my life and I can promise that you won’t regret it.”

-Sarah, social worker

“River is able to synthesize a vast knowledge of psychological and spiritual information into exactly the pieces of it that were helpful to me in that moment, bypassing the need to try therapist after therapist and methodology after methodology; she knows it all and has found what works and what doesn't. She is simultaneously very open and process oriented, while still being results and efficiency focused, she will not waste your time and knows you are there because you want change.

Since working with River: my health trajectory has completely turned around and I feel I have finally found the practitioners and route to healing that works for me; a big shift for the better happened in my business that I could have never predicted; I feel more at peace with myself and find it easier to have boundaries and take good care of myself; I have more joy in my life and am doing activities that light me up. And this is after only working together for 3 months! If you are considering working with her, I encourage you.”

-Kate, PhD, psychologist

“It is not her education, her training, or her studies that make her work priceless... it is instead her authenticity to who she is at her core. Her work is powerful and she is truly a light that shines bright. I am truly grateful for her work and her service.”

-Erika, coach

“I felt so seen, loved, and gently carried throughout the entire process. After our session, I felt so much clarity around action steps to achieve what I desire - how to communicate better in my relationship with examples of phrasing, setting boundaries, and brainstorming how to work together. It was both energizing and calming at the same time and gave me a renewed feeling that this pattern will not keep repeating itself. I LOVED the energy work that we did. I appreciated the wealth of information that came up in each chakra - it helped me connect the dots. It was also very cool to participate in the energy work versus only receiving it. The goal we set of feeling more clarity and a sense of calm was achieved just in a single session! If you are feeling stuck or frustrated, big or small, River can help you sift through the pieces to get to the root of what you are facing with clear action steps.”

-Amanda, coach

“What a session!! I have had such a feeling of elation since we spoke. It’s really remarkable. 

I had a few situations come up where I used to get frazzled and it almost seemed silly to me. I've been really paying attention to my words and how I speak which also helps. Such perspective!!

Anyway, thank you for what you do. You're magical!"



There is really no way I can fully express my awe of you and your work. I'm certain you have been told this time and time again, but you truly have the most magnificent gift. Your ability to connect and heal is something I have never before witnessed, and I feel beyond blessed to have been guided and healed through you.

I jumped through a lot of hoops and tried so many different alternative medicine modalities before coming to you. All the work I did primed for our time together to be fruitful, and I can honestly say there has been a permanent, radical shift in my well being because of you. I am finally.... unstuck.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!!


“My healing session with River was incredibly profound. Her presence is grounded and safe and I felt so much ease as we discussed what has been troubling me lately. She offered very practical advice and action steps to address my situation. And then we went into the reiki portion and, wow, I was blown away by the insights she channeled! I felt an energetic and physical release from our session for days after and I’m still seeing new insights pop up from our time together. I’d highly recommend River — her work seems to seamlessly take the spiritual and apply it to your material experience in a way that allows you to integrate all parts of yourself. She has a talent for guiding you right to the heart of a dynamic to discover a path for resolution. Thank you so much, River!”

-Beth, intuitive healing & life transformation guide

“Thank you so much for the healing. I am so grateful to you. That was a hurdle that I didn't realize was there. As I'm going through a lot of uncomfortableness, it means everything to trust myself and the process I'm going through and not back down from it.”


“I had a lovely session with River where she shifted limiting beliefs for me in the Akashic Records. I noticed the impact almost immediately as if my mind just dropped everything it had been obsessing on. River also channeled a beautiful message for me from the records to assist in letting go of these beliefs which was so heartfelt, affirming and healing. I found River’s combination of healing techniques to be freeing and liberating for the mind in a really gentle and supported way. I would highly recommend for anyone who is ready to make real changes in their life!”

-Lauren, licensed massage therapist and medium

“River has the kind of grounded energy you want in a spiritual practitioner and healer. I once remarked that she reminded me of my favorite midwife from giving birth - sturdy and deeply capable. As a result you can soften into the deep healing she offers and simultaneously find new resolves of strength within yourself, that you didn’t know were there. I’m deeply grateful for her.”

-Kyley, business and life purpose coach

"I'm writing you excitedly to share news on my progress. The biggest shift I've been noticing when it comes to eating is that I've been putting my food down the moment I am content!! I don't even have to think or stress about it! AHHH!! I've done this for the past 3 days in a row!

I am so freaking happy and I wanted to reach out and say THANK YOU again for the opportunity to work on this together. You're incredible!!"


"I gifted to myself for my birthday, an RRT Session with River. My session ended leaving me feeling hopeful, lighter and inspired. I felt a deep connection to this human, who truly was, in that moment, my sheperd to greener forests. Somewhere along the way, when asked, I realiszed that I felt almost silly about the thought of the occurrences I've been allowing to hold me back from my much in my life. The visual representation of the threatening 'ugliness' was gone. I feel more love for myself, more care. I am gentler with how I talk to myself. I am, as we all are, a work in progress, as everyday we are growing and changing. For the first time, in a long long time, I feel like I can and will be able to FOCUS and that will have a domino effect on all that I will be able to accomplish for myself in the very near future. I have a feeling deep inside that this session has instigated long lasting change for me and I could not be more grateful to have found a human who I have been so called towards to help me achieve this healing. River, I am so incredibly grateful for you."


My session with River was a literal delight. She showed up with powerful energy and a clear commitment to be of service. 
I felt that she was truly invested in supporting me to align with my desired frequency. 
In our session we dove right in and tapped in to the elevation I was wanting. 
Her modalities are simple and because of that I was able to tune in with ease and immediately feel the positive effects of her guidance. 
I would recommend a session with her to anyone looking for realignment to their true self. 


“I felt so much better last night! Much lighter and I actually fell asleep without an insane amount of effort. Thank you so much!”

-Sara, musician

"River is pretty magical at what she does! I am truly amazed by the wealth of tools she uses and incorporates into a session. She really is a wise, kind soul that knows how to get into the heart of any block and release it. I have had a couple sessions with her and am so grateful to see the shifts happen so quickly! I highly recommend her to anyone that wants long, lasting change fast. I only wish that I had found her earlier. But, regardless, I have so much gratitude for this amazing gift. Try her out, you won't be disappointed! "


River is a very gifted healing facilitator. Her process is gentle, direct and powerful, getting to core emotional wounds and clearing them quickly and easily. I highly recommend her to anyone wanting to heal emotional blocks!

- Kristi

"I am feeling so refreshed and so calm about my future. River has such beautiful energy and insight into helping people break through their limiting beliefs. I was lucky enough to do a RRT session with her and am happy to report I am still feeling incredible after our session. She is an amazing guide and has awesome resources to help anchor in the beliefs we get to choose to believe instead of letting our ego dedicate. Thank you River!"


“My heart just cracked open, and I cried for the first time in a year. Wow.”

-Amanda, finance auditor

"So much old energy was released and today I woke up in a cloud of peace, lightness and feel-good energy! I highly recommend."

-Andrea, language teacher

“Your energy is just incredibly calming and healing.”

-Sarah, graduate student

"I have been telling everyone! It’s amazing the life-changing experience I had with you! I really appreciate it River!


I felt like so much shifted. Hugely impactful session I believe.

I once went to a super powerful meditation retreat for a week, and had a massive heart opening experience of love that words cannot described. Afterwards my heart area physically felt different, more clear and also the space around it felt like muscles do after a workout - hurts a bit but a good hurt from expansion. That's exactly how my heart area feels after this session interestingly.

Definitely less urgency and stress around a lot of things. Definitely no grief. Definitely no fear something bad happens when something good happens. I actually felt good today for the first time in a while, really good, and enjoying it.

- Anon


Hi River!! Omg our last session was so impactful!!! I feel so confident and happy about my business. I feel so light.  Thanks so much!! So excited to continue to work with you!! I felt like so much shifted.

- Anon

 I feel much more grounded and calm. Life can be distracting from the truth, and this module brought me back ( I think it's River's voice :) ). Lately I feel like I have been struggling to find my center, and going through this reminded me that I am a powerful light force for myself and others, and I can find that feeling anytime I need.

My powerful, loving lightforce can impact wherever and whomever I direct my attention towards. AND I can do this even when I myself am not feeling 100% whole, as directing my energy towards people/natural things I care about heals me too :)
I feel grounded and at peace.
I feel, now, a deeper sense of confidence in my ability to be who I want to be, feel how I want to feel, and create what I want to create. It is all about claiming my power!

- Anon

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