Rapid Resolution Therapy

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Fast-forward to clearing

Healing is often longer-lasting when it's enjoyable, or even fun

“I had all this mind drama... you should've done this and that ... So my energy was just kind of a little bit frantic and all over the place and just not at peace. And before we even started the session, I already was in this space of relief. I was already able to tap into the feeling I had at the end of the session, just because of River's energy. In the session, River facilitated the most amazing space ... Really getting that everything is okay, it's all okay ... In 15-20 minutes, I was set free. I was no longer filled with loss and guilt and grief and regret ... There's really has been nothing like it.”


“You're really f***ing good.”


Omg our last session was so impactful!!! I feel so confident and happy about my business. I feel like I’m still floating and feel so light.  Thanks so much!! So excited to continue to work with you!!


"I felt like so much shifted. Hugely impactful session I believe.

I once went to a super powerful meditation retreat for a week, and had a massive heart opening experience of love that words cannot described. Afterwards my heart area physically felt different, more clear and also the space around it felt like muscles do after a workout - hurts a bit but a good hurt from expansion. That's exactly how my heart area feels after this session interestingly.

Definitely less urgency and stress around a lot of things. Definitely no grief. Definitely no fear something bad happens when something good happens. I actually felt good today for the first time in a while, really good, and enjoying it."


RRT is particularly effective at reducing or completely eliminating:

Anxiety (generalized, or around a specific event)
Resentment (or, anger at something from the past)
Sleep concerns like insomnia
Effects of sexual assault (including CSA)
A stuckness around food or weight
Fear of rejection or judgment
Cravings to specific foods or substances
A block around money
A fear around something specific
A "stuckness" that's been in the way of an otherwise pretty great life

It may also reduce or completely eliminate guilt, shame, anger, single-incident PTSD, fear of failure, phobias, confidence concerns, and other stucknesses or areas of turmoil that have been keeping you from getting what you want.

Note that for concerns not listed or "complex," I find that it's absolutely possible to make a shift, sometimes even in a single meeting, but often we spend the first meeting clearing beliefs first.


What is it:

Fast-faced solutions and shifts in perspective, through storytelling, connection, imagery, and communication directly with the subconscious mind, where you leave lighter, more grounded, marveling at that concern that had been troubling for years, "I barely remember how that used to feel."


When you book:

You are so ready to move forward and leave that old story of "it is what it is" behind (this is not talk therapy, rent-a-friend, or time to process)

You are open-minded both to what you've never heard before and to what you've already heard before, knowing you're hearing it in a new way, now

You are intrigued and, maybe, even a little excited to move fast (it's a fast-paced brilliant methodology, and personally, as an east-coaster at heart, I talk fast, think fast, and love to cross things off the to-do list)


We've been told that healing takes forever, that feeling stuck is normal and trauma is meant to be lived with, and that big transformations come from painful processes - no pain, no gain. And we've been told that to reach a goal, we have to push through and work towards it, which the mind reads as hard or even impossible. What if there was another way? What if it could be ... light?

All it takes is curiosity and an open mind.

Rapid Resolution Therapy

Rapid Resolution Therapy (RRT), created by Dr. Jon Connelly, is designed to move beyond reactions that are normal in our society (feeling anxious, unsettled, stuck) to optimal, with the mind primed to focus on solutions and opportunities.

"A single conversation can be a life-changing event."

-Dr. Jon Connelly, founder of Rapid Resolution Therapy® and the Institute for Survivors of Sexual Violence

Get Clear

For those excited, with curiosity & an open-mind
Send an email to book.

You can reboot your mind for more clarity

Because of the mind-body connection, turmoil in the mind decreases physical wellbeing, and vice versa.

That's why it's called dis-ease.

Clearing stucknesses from the mind opens up pathways for holistic healing to take place, with energy returned to you.

Think of it like rebooting your computer, clearing that cache of files running in the background.

And you get to enjoy: increased focus, creativity, productivity, humor, fun, and ease.

What could you do with all that time and energy back?

Ready to see if we can make a significant shift in just one hour?

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Frequently Asked Questions


RRT is a philosophical approach and therefore is not therapy and is not reimbursable or covered by insurance. I am not a doctor or therapist and do not prescribe medications or diagnose any mental or physical conditions.